Call & Response
Sept 10 - Dec 3, 2017
Wave Hill
Bronx, NY
Curated by Jennifer MacGregor and Gabriel de Guzman, "Call & Response" focuses on the developing concept of site-specificity as it relates to the projects that have been exhibited in Wave Hill’s Sunroom Project Space, an annex of Glyndor Gallery. The entire Glyndor Gallery will be given over to this exhibition, presented in honor of the tenth anniversary of the Sunroom Project Space.
My project, "The Making of a Rock Garden" is influenced by the diminutive rock garden plants thrive in the T.H. Everett Alpine House. Each pot is made from hand cast flax and contains a laser cut paper plant. The plants, Ma huang, better known as Ephedra and purslane both grow wild on my land in New Mexico. I picked the plants, made drawings of them and later turned them into digital files for laser cutting. Each flax planter contained a small number of hand rolled "rocks" or pebbles.